Replace your bench power supplies, scope and current
probes with this powerful and cost-effective
alternative: A fully programmable power supply and
measurement tool with 12V, and 5V or 3V3 outputs.
The Screw Terminal Power Injection Fixture allows a
Programmable Power Module (PPM) to inject power into
a custom wiring loom.
This fixture uses pluggable screw terminals,
allowing quick and easy connection to any wired
device. This is ideal for custom test fixtures and
similar, which do not use a standard interface.
This cable connects to the front of a standard or XLC
Programmable Power Module. It is one of a range of
cables that allow you to use the power module with a
range of external devices.
A revolutionary and accurate way to analyze power and
control in a specific environment, the PAM shows you
the real-world interaction between your host system and
the device under test.